The power supply unit was an idea I had after being fed up with using different transformers and voltage dividers to test circuits and LED’s.
I took the PSU out of an old PC that had been retired and began working on it. Firstly, I opened it up, cut the wires at the needed length and tied together those that carried the same voltage. Afterwards, I drilled holes on the top part of it and installed some wire terminals, an LED and a switch. I also connected a resistor between the +5V and Ground in order to stabilize the voltage. The power supply unit has terminals at: -12 Volts, -5 volts, Ground (0 Volts), +3.3 Volts, +5volts and +12 Volts.
Even though the Power supply unit works perfectly fine and is very practical, I was once hit by electricity while testing it and so I almost never use it now, since I am afraid of some kind of “leak”.